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April 27 2023
A major demographic shift has taken place on the nation’s university and technical college campuses
April 25 2023
Milk prices can’t go much lower, especially with these high feed prices . . . Can they?”
April 25 2023
April 25 Hoard's Dairyman Classifieds
April 25 2023
There are a lot of colors represented on a dairy farm, but I do not know two colors more discussed, bantered about, and tossed around than red and green. There is a strong and clear competition between...
April 25 2023
I was looking for a strong, durable pencil with an eraser
GEA_Hoards Webinar-cover-slide
April 24 2023
Join GEA experts Keith Engel and Mark Heald in this webinar as they discuss smart solutions for udder health. They’ll walk through what they’re seeing in the marketplace, how they’re...
April 24 2023
The United Nations expects India to surpass China as the most populous country on the planet by mid-2023
April 24 2023
We all have the same 24 hours in every day to get work done, and farmers are experts at squeezing every second out of that time. Have you ever thought to yourself, “If I only I could be in two places...
April 24 2023
Recently, I had the opportunity to drive through an area where I worked as a young nutritionist some 30 plus years ago
Geiger-butterfat web?
April 24 2023
This marks the eighth straight year that butterfat levels have set a new record. In 2022, federal order pools with multiple component pricing averaged 4.08% butterfat, reported Peter Fredericks, California’s...
April 20 2023
“If you can't measure it, you can't manage it.” This famous phrase comes from management guru Peter Drucker. It holds especially true for dairy farmers who need to make extra efforts to enhance...
Allen-calf rumen
April 20 2023
Just like for humans, transitions cause stress for animals. For dairy animals, these types of adjustments aren’t just limited to what we call “transition cows” — calves also go...
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April 20 2023
A dedicated team is one major key to success when it comes to raising young stock. During the Dairy Calf and Heifer Association’s annual conference, managers from two calf and heifer ranches shared...
Geiger-dairy web
April 20 2023
Known for its expansive group of museums, one would hardly think of turning to the Smithsonian for a modern-day discussion on dairy. However, the American institution founded by James Smithson did just...
April 18 2023
For many readers, first cut will be just around the corner as you read this article. To say the least, unlocking the energy in your forages to fuel herd performance is a top priority during first cutting...
April 18 2023
Let’s face it, anyone who wants to be a dairy farmer may just be a tad unique. Why would one toil from sunup to sundown with loads of challenges, unknowns, and financial hurdles? Simply said, it...
April 18 2023
Fertilization rates range from 55% to 88% in high-producing dairy cows, resulting in calving rates of 30% or less following a single A.I. Pregnancy loss remains a major factor inhibiting reproductive performance...
April 18 2023
In the last issue, we examined the variation in waiting time for cows to be milked in a free-flow robot facility. We were concerned that some cows have very prolonged waiting times due to competition at...
April 18 2023
The latest dairy news from Capital Hill
April 17 2023
When the United States Championship Cheese Contest announced its 2023 Top 20 cheeses in February, nine of the finalists were from the Badger State. That’s impressive, but no surprise, considering...